
Course Description

Where is wisdom found? This question has long plagued people throughout history. Did you know that an entire section of the Old Testament is devoted to giving us an answer? Dr. Shaw will introduce you to some of the most frequently neglected portions of Scripture. You will discover how the Old Testament Writings, which include books like Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Daniel, not only provide us with guidelines for godly living but also teach us how all of Scripture is fulfilled in Christ, who is the “wisdom of God.”

About the Instructor

Dr. Benjamin Shaw serves as professor of Old Testament. He is also a teaching elder in the Presbyterian Church in America. He earned his M.Div. from Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, Th.M. from Princeton Theological Seminary, and Ph.D. from Bob Jones University. He previously served as academic dean and professor of Hebrew and Old Testament at Greenville Presbyterian Theological Seminary. He is author of several academic articles on Old Testament biblical studies, contributor to several anthologies on matters pertaining to Old Testament and applied theology, and author of Ecclesiastes: Life in a Fallen World.

Letter from the instructor

Are you curious about arrangements of the Old Testament that are different from that in your standard English Bible? At RBC, we have divided our Bible survey courses according to the way the books are organized in the Hebrew Bible. In that arrangement, the third section, called The Writings, consists of the poetic books, some of the historical books, and the prophet Daniel. Dealing with the books in this order offers some interesting insights into the meaning of the Old Testament for us as Christians. Join us for the exploration!

In Christ, Dr. Shaw