Biblical Hermeneutics

Course Description

As Christians, we are called to rightly interpret the Word of God. This course will help you develop the skills to read, understand, and apply Scripture in its various contexts and literary genres. In completing this course, you will gain a basic understanding of the methods and tools of biblical interpretation.

About the Instructor

Rev. Levi Berntson is assistant professor of theology at Reformation Bible College. He is also a teaching elder in the Presbyterian Church in America. He earned his M.A. (Theological Studies) and M.Div. from Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Miss. He is currently a Ph.D. student at the University of Aberdeen, Scotland, where he is translating and evaluating the work of the Dutch Reformed theologian Campegius Vitringa.

A Letter From the Instructor

Dear Student,

What is “hermeneutics,” and why should you study this topic? Please join me in an exploration of the science and art of biblical interpretation. In this course, we will study together the history, theology, and practice of interpreting God’s Word. My goal is to equip you with the tools you need to better explore the riches of Holy Scripture and apply its teaching to your life. I hope you will consider taking this course with me.

In Christ, Professor Berntson