What Makes RBC Different?
Posted On January 14, 2021
Written by Dr. Keith Mathison, professor of systematic theology at Reformation Bible College
What makes Reformation Bible College different? Among the obvious things that make RBC different is the fact that it is the only Bible college in the United States that teaches from the perspective of confessional Reformed theology. Most Bible colleges, whether they use that name or not, are dispensationalist in their theology. Reformation Bible College is Reformed. That makes RBC different.
Our curriculum is also very different. Students in our bachelor programs, for example, take seven courses in systematic theology. Each is three credit hours. That is more, sometimes as much as three times more, than many seminaries offer. In addition to seven semesters of systematic theology, and seven semesters of Bible survey classes, we also have six semesters covering the great works of literature—everything from Homer to Dante, from Shakespeare to Solzhenitsyn. That makes RBC different.
When I think about what makes RBC different, however, I don’t think so much about these obvious distinctives. I think more about the students and the relationships that form among them and between them and the faculty. The fact that we are purposefully small allows students and faculty to get to know one another on a level difficult to achieve at a larger institution. Within a few weeks of the beginning of each academic year, everyone knows everyone else. Reformation Bible College is different because it is a very tight-knit and close community. We are all part of each other’s lives and that continues long after graduation.
Dr. Keith Mathison is professor of systematic theology at Reformation Bible College.
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