What Does a Christ-Centered Life Look Like?

Posted On April 12, 2017

It’s paper writing season here at RBC. As students busily prepare to meet deadlines, Dr. Keith Mathison preached in chapel on what the Christ-centered life looks like according to Colossians 3:1–17. The phrase “Christ-centered” is often overused and quickly loses its meaning, but the Apostle Paul shows us what the Christian life looks like in the person and work of Christ. Mathison stated, “At the heart of our understanding of what a Christ-centered life looks like is our union with Christ.” We are to set our minds on the things above and seek them, for there we will find Christ. In contrast, the flesh-centered life takes control of our lives and turns us away from God. That is why we are to put off the old self and put on the new self. “Setting our minds on the things above involves hard fought spiritual warfare,” Mathison observed. We have been raised with Christ, we are being renewed in Christ day by day, and we have been robed in the righteousness of Christ. A Christ-centered life is a life secure in Christ.