What Are You Thankful For?

Posted On November 21, 2023

As the Thanksgiving holiday draws near, we’re reflecting on all that we are thankful for here at Reformation Bible College. We asked several members of the RBC family to share words of gratitude for all He is doing in their lives and at our school:

“I can’t put into words my gratitude for God’s providence in my life this past year. One year ago, I had no solid concept of what Reformed theology was, and I also said I would never go to college. Then, God brought multiple moves, life changes, hardships, and new relationships that led me to RBC!” —Olivia, Associate of Arts in Theology

“More and more, I am thankful to God for the gift of marriage and motherhood. I see God’s grace in allowing me to pour into my daughter, Olivia, and to share what the Lord is teaching me. On another note of thanksgiving, RBC students are a blessing to my family. My husband, Tim, and I are always encouraged to see their love for the Lord and His Word, and Olivia loves to spend time with the students at events and challenge them to a game of foosball.” —Madie Martin, Director of Enrollment Strategy

“I am so thankful to the Lord for the blessing, support, and encouragement of my family and my church in pursuing the Christian life. I am also so thankful that I have such wonderful friends and professors to journey with and learn from.” —Andrew, Bachelor of Arts in Theology

“This year, I am thankful above all for God’s grace and mercy. I am thankful for RBC, for their diligent teaching and ministry; helping renew our minds in God’s Word and helping shape our lives to be servants of His Word and His plan. I am also thankful for my family, my pastor, and my friends. Without their constant prayer for me, counseling, and support, I would not be where I am today. Thankful to God for His providence, His love, and the well-orchestrated plan He is executing in my life.” —Jeffrey, Bachelor of Arts in Theology

“I grow more thankful each year for the privilege Ben and I have to be able to work together amongst such an incredible group of faculty, staff, and students. I am also grateful for the good health we both have.” —Lynn Shaw, Student Care Advisor

“I find myself profoundly thankful for the delightful journey of walking in the company of our Lord Jesus. It is a true privilege to delve into the study of our faith at RBC and to be embraced by a local church that serves as a genuine home for both myself and numerous others. The individuals who enrich my life bring immeasurable value, and, above all, I deem it my highest privilege and blessing to be recognized as God’s son in Christ.” —Seth, Bachelor of Arts in Theology

“I am incredibly thankful for our staff and faculty at RBC. Whenever I have theological questions or need spiritual mentorship, they are always willing to spend time with me. They aren’t just here to give assignments. They are here to disciple us, nurture us, and befriend us—and this is not only a cultural rarity in the world we live in, but an incredible blessing. I will take the counsel and wisdom that I have learned from them with me for the rest of my life.” —Adina, Associate of Arts in Theology

“This year, I am thankful for technology that allows me to stay a part of a wonderful team and keep in close contact with dear friends while working remotely.” —Dani Frazier, Manager of Student Records