Three Reasons to Join RBC Online

Posted On May 29, 2024

Written by Dr. John Tweeddale, vice president of academics and professor of theology

At Reformation Bible College, our goal is to educate students in the historic Christian faith, as affirmed in the Reformed confessions, so that they know, serve, and worship God in all of life. One way we do that is by offering Bible and theology courses online. As I like to tell prospective students, RBC Online provides an education that I wish every Christian in the world could experience.

So, why should you consider studying online at RBC? Here are three reasons:

  1. Receive an education in Reformed theology.

At RBC, we aim to produce knowledgeable and articulate students who embrace God in His holiness as taught in the Reformed classical tradition. That purpose statement animates everything we do as a college, whether online or on campus. By taking online courses at RBC, we believe the subject material you study and the skills you develop will help you become a more faithful Christian in whatever calling God has placed on your life. Students have the opportunity to study under seasoned faculty members who teach courses in apologetics, hermeneutics, biblical theology, Bible survey, church history, and systematic theology. These courses are designed to orient you to the basic tenets of Reformed theology and give you a biblical and theological foundation for all of life.

  1. Study with peers from around the world.

RBC Online students come from a variety of backgrounds and represent a wide range of ages. Students live throughout the United States and over twenty other countries, including Australia, the Dominican Republic, Ghana, Japan, and Singapore. When you enroll in a class, you will discover that some of your fellow classmates will have just graduated high school, others are deep into their careers, and a segment are making the most of their retirement years. What binds our students together is their common commitment to Christ and their desire to learn more about the rich heritage of the Reformed tradition. Few things forge new relationships like the challenge of reading a thousand pages in a semester for a systematic theology course! Each class has a dedicated teaching assistant who provides academic support, and students frequently chat, meet in groups, and work on assignments on our communications platform. For many in the program, studying theology with like-minded Christians from around the world is the best part of their RBC Online experience.

  1. Earn college credit at your convenience.

Courses are offered live at the same time as our on-campus courses. This allows online students the opportunity to have their questions answered directly by the professor in class. We also offer students the option of watching a recording of the lecture to accommodate busy schedules. Some students like the accountability of assignments but have no interest in a degree, so they might take a course or two for credit for no other reason than personal growth. Those who complete eight online courses will earn a Certificate in Theology. All credit earned in the RBC online program can be transferred into any one of our on-campus programs. There is also an option to audit an RBC Online course, where for a modest fee, you can watch the lectures without participating in assignments, assessments, or direct communication with the professor and students.

You can study at RBC from almost anywhere. I hope you will join us as we study the wonders of God’s Word together.