Summer Reading Recommendations

Posted On June 07, 2023

John Murray, The Epistle to the Romans

“Almost twenty-five years ago, Dr. Derek Thomas told me to ‘sell my shirt’ and buy John Murray’s commentary on Romans. As an eager but poor college student, I scrounged enough cash to purchase the book, although I decided to keep my shirt. I’m glad I did. Reading this commentary opened my eyes more widely to the power of the gospel that is ‘operative unto salvation,’ to use one of Murray’s dense but well-crafted phrases. I was delighted to see that Westminster Seminary Press recently republished Murray’s commentary in a new and beautifully designed edition, with a splendid introduction by Dr. Sinclair Ferguson. This summer, I’ll be rereading Murray’s classic exposition on Paul’s most comprehensive epistle. I’m only a few pages in, but I’m already discovering how much I missed the first time around. Sell what you must to buy and read this book.”

Recommended by Dr. John Tweeddale, vice president of academic and professor of theology

Petrus van Mastricht, Theoretical-Practical Theology

“Petrus van Mastricht was a seventeenth-century Reformed theologian. His Theoretical-Practical Theology is a great example of the Reformed scholastic theology of the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. It shows what theology done in service to the church looks like. The fourth volume (of a projected seven volumes) is due to be published in July and covers Christ’s work of redemption. It may look intimidating; however, I have my freshmen college students (generally 17–21-year-olds) read the first and second volumes in year one, and they do so with little difficulty.”

Recommended by Dr. Keith Mathison, professor of systematic theology

Greg Lanier, Old Made New: A Guide to the New Testament Use of the Old Testament

“People talk about being ‘New Testament Christians.’ But such talk often reflects a lack of awareness about how dependent the New Testament is upon the Old Testament. In this short book, Lanier guides the reader through the ways in which the Old Testament anticipates the gospel, the person and work of Christ, and the church. It is probably not the easiest read, but a slow and meditative study of the book will richly reward the reader.”

Recommended by Dr. Ben Shaw, professor of Old Testament

G.K. Beale, Union with the Resurrected Christ

“One of the most important topics in New Testament biblical theology is the believer’s union with Christ. Many recognize it as central to our understanding of both the work of redemption and its application to the Christian. In Union with the Resurrected Christ, G.K. Beale seeks to demonstrate how the many blessings of salvation are the fulfillment of over a dozen Old Testament expectations and promises that are realized in connection with the resurrection and ascension of Christ.”

Recommended by Dr. Matthew Dudreck, associate professor of New Testament

Herman Witsuis, The Economy of the Covenants Between God and Man

“This two-volume set provides an excellent summary of the covenants of Scripture. It presents the classic Reformed teaching on covenant theology, including an outstanding treatment of the covenant of works, the covenant of grace, and the covenant of redemption. It has had a major impact on my life because it helped me to understand the structure of the story of redemption as found in Scripture. I know of no better work on covenant theology than this work by Witsius.”

Recommended by Dr. Christopher Cleveland, associate professor of Christian thought

Scott Swain, The Trinity: An Introduction

“In The Trinity: An Introduction, Swain provides a weighty but brief and friendly introduction to the classical doctrine of the Trinity. This book is an excellent first step into the study of the one essence and three persons of the God of the Bible. Swain even touches on major contemporary debates with which every knowledgeable student of theology must be familiar.”

Recommended by Professor Levi Berntson, instructor of theology