RBC Spotlight: David Wooten, Director of Student Services
Posted On July 14, 2021
We recently sat down with David Wooten to ask him about his life, faith, and work at RBC.
When and how did you come to faith in Christ?
I grew up in a Christian home. My pastor led me to Christ when I was 11 years old.
How do you serve at your local church?
I assist our pastoral staff by helping them serve families pursuing adoption.
What’s your favorite book of the Bible or favorite author?
My answer to this changes, but right now, it is Luke’s books of Luke and Acts.
Have you traveled overseas for missions? If so, where?
I have traveled to Austria, Belarus, Brazil, Colombia, Lithuania, Romania, and Russia.
What do you have a passion for?
Mobilizing people and resources for the Great Commission.
Why do you enjoy working at RBC?
I have always loved the campus environment. It is an honor to equip students for lifelong service for the Lord.
What aspect of working with students do you find rewarding?
I am challenged by their hunger for God’s Word and passion for the Lord.
How would you describe the community or culture at RBC?
RBC is a place of academic rigor and theological depth where students spend time enjoying wonderful friendships, community, and experiencing a lot of fun in student life at the college.
How have you seen students mature academically or spiritually while attending RBC?
Students wrestle with profound theological truth and come to solidify their beliefs based upon their study of the Scriptures. It is wonderful to see students align their beliefs, ambitions, and lifestyle with the teaching of God’s Word under the lordship of Christ.
If you weren’t on staff at RBC, what would you be doing?
I would probably be serving the local church as a pastor.
What are your favorite hobbies or pastimes?
I like to watch baseball, read, and cook.
Do you have a favorite sports team or athlete?
Tennessee Volunteers and St. Louis Cardinals.
Do you have children?
My wife, Pepper, and I have five children that range from ages 9–31.
How long have you lived in Florida?
I have lived off and on in Central Florida for 25 years.
What activities do you enjoy doing in Florida?
My wife and I enjoy biking, running, spending time at the beach, and exploring new places.
What makes RBC unique?
Students come to RBC because of the content of the curriculum, to know the Word of God, and to plunge the theological depths. I think students stay at RBC because of the community. We hear that often from faculty, staff, and students.
The heartbeat of life at RBC is chapel. Once a week, the entire college family gathers together for worship. During our chapel services, we sing together, pray together, and we hear from God through the preaching of His word, whether from our president, a faculty member, a local pastor, a speaker from Ligonier Ministries, or a leader in the Reformed world.
All of our students at RBC are involved in student-led care groups that gather together for prayer, play, and service. Care groups are a great way to get connected and build rich friendships here at RBC.
What type of relationships should students anticipate making at RBC?
You’re going to enjoy close relationships with your professors. You’re also going to make friends among students that may last a lifetime. One of the things we hear from RBC graduates over and over again is that it was the community and the friendships they made at RBC that had a very lasting impact on them. Whether they ended up going into the ministry or going into the marketplace, those relationships have continued to enrich them.
What does the Student Care Team at RBC do?
Our Student Care Team includes two campus pastors and our female student care advisor.
Our Student Care Team is caring for students through prayer, counsel, and discipleship. You’ll see students being prayed for by someone on our Student Care Team; you’ll see them at a local coffee shop; you’ll see them walking the path around the pond, talking about life and relationships and the future, and how to have a better walk with the Lord Jesus Christ.