RBC Alumni Spotlight: Nate King

Posted On June 29, 2023

At Reformation Bible College, we seek to equip students in the knowledge of God and His holiness, that they may glorify and enjoy Him in any career they enter. Our coursework is designed to help students to build a foundation in theology and the classical humanities, learning creative tools to solve complex problems. Because of this foundation, many of our alumni pursue further education in theology, law, medicine, and other career fields after graduation.

One of our alumni from the class of 2018, Nate King, is thankful for how his time at RBC equipped him to continue his education.

“I knew I wanted to be a lawyer and thought RBC would just be a time for me to study theology before moving on to law. But it wasn’t that at all. During my time at RBC, I discovered that theology is a necessary underpinning of law because we answer questions like, ‘What is just? What is right? Who is valuable in society?’ All of those questions are theological questions—questions that Scripture answers.”

Nate was introduced to RBC during high school and took several dual enrollment classes during his senior year. After graduating, he decided to complete an Associate of Arts in Theology at RBC, believing that it would provide him with a solid theological foundation before he pursued a law degree.

“My professors at RBC helped me understand that law and theology go hand-in-hand,” Nate shared. “They showed me that vocation is a Christian calling, no matter where you go.”

After graduating from RBC with his associate’s degree, he earned a Bachelor of Arts in American Politics and Policy at a college in Virginia and will begin his graduate studies in law this fall.

But more than just preparing him for his future career, Nate believes that RBC prepared him for a lifetime of faithfully serving the Lord in his family and his church.

“All of life is theology. Marriage is theology. Family-rearing is theology. RBC prepared me to be a father, a husband, a student, a churchman, and a lawyer. I’m thankful for the kindness of God displayed through the people at Reformation Bible College.”

Are you interested in learning theology for life at RBC? You can earn a Certificate in Theology, an Associate of Arts in Theology, or a Bachelor of Arts in Theology with our affordable on-campus degree programs. Contact our Admissions team with any questions.