How to Handle Disagreements with My Teachers
Posted On August 11, 2022
Written by Dr. Keith Mathison, professor of systematic theology
With the enormous array of topics discussed throughout the course of a Bible college education, it is almost inevitable that you will, from time to time, disagree with your professor. Below are several tips on how to handle disagreements with your teachers.
Be intentional about communication. Sometimes, what seems to be a disagreement is merely a breakdown in communication. It’s always best to communicate before making accusations. Make sure that what you’re noticing is a disagreement and not a misunderstanding on your part or a lack of clarity on the teacher’s part.
Identify the weight of the disagreement. If the subject in question concerns a minor issue, it’s probably not necessary to resolve it immediately. If it’s a major issue, determine whether what the teacher said is part of the school’s statement of faith. To help determine whether a disagreement is over a major or minor issue, you could seek wise and godly counsel from a pastor or elder in your church.
Approach the topic with humility. If it turns out that there is an actual disagreement, it may be because your teacher is wrong. But it may also be the case that you are the one who is wrong. In order to discover whether you are in error, humility is required, and listening is required. In other words, don’t handle your disagreement in the way that many people handle online disagreements.
Conduct yourself prayerfully and respectfully. Whether an actual disagreement exists or not, the teacher is in a position of authority over the students, while in the classroom. That does not mean that the teacher is infallible, but for Christian students, it does mean a certain level of respect is required. If you have never done so before, read the Westminster Larger Catechism, Q&A 123–133, for further wisdom on how to interact with those in authority.
Handling disagreements with teachers requires wisdom and maturity. Our enemy loves to sow strife among Christians, so before anything else, pray that God would guard your heart.