5 Reasons Why Students Choose RBC
Posted On February 14, 2022
Recently, I spoke with a few of our students to discover some of the main reasons why they chose to attend Reformation Bible College. In talking with an eclectic group of both male and female students as well as freshmen and upperclassmen, I heard several common responses. Below are five reasons why students choose to attend RBC:
- A desire to receive a sound theological education in the Reformed tradition. An RBC education is designed to provide students with the knowledge of God and His holiness, equipping them for faithful Christian service in any vocation or calling. Our trusted faculty teaches the system of theology found in Scripture and outlined in the Reformed confessions.
- **Ligonier’s reputation as a trusted teaching ministry. **The early Ligonier Valley Study Center had been a physical place for students to come and sit under the teaching of Dr. R.C. Sproul and other Reformed theologians. Dr. Sproul’s dream was to build a college where students could come once again to be discipled face to face.
- The affordable tuition. Through the generosity of supporters and ministry friends, we’re able to keep tuition costs extremely low, especially compared to many other Christian universities. Our annual tuition for the 2022–2023 academic year is only $8,000, which is over 70% lower than the actual cost of an RBC education.
- They experienced Preview Day. Preview Day gives prospective students the opportunity to meet other students, interact with professors, hear about the community and campus life that students enjoy, and tour our beautiful campus. Sign up for our next Preview Day to experience RBC for yourself.
- Family connections. Many students see how their family members and friends grew in their love for God and knowledge of biblical truth during their time at RBC, and they desire to experience similar growth. I’m always encouraged to hear about how our alumni are serving the Lord throughout the world in many vocations and callings.
Whatever the reasons are that students come to study at RBC, it is a joy to see God bringing them to our campus from across the country and, now, from around the globe.
Interested in learning more about life at RBC? Schedule a campus tour, sign up for a Preview Day, or contact admissions for more information.
Written by David Wooten, director of student services