In Case You Missed It: 2023 Convocation Exercises
Posted On September 20, 2023
This past Friday, Reformation Bible College dedicated a new academic year to the Lord at our 2023 convocation exercises at Saint Andrew’s Chapel in Sanford, Fla. Additionally, we were pleased to welcome 84 new on-campus students and 77 new online students to the RBC family.
After faculty, staff, and the student body processed into Saint Andrews’ Chapel, we sang an opening hymn together. Then Dr. John Tweeddale, our vice president of academics, opened with a prayer of invocation before reminding us of the purpose of convocation: to assemble as a united college family to consecrate our academic studies before God.
Following the college hymn written by Dr. R.C. Sproul, “Clothed in Righteousness,” we gave attention to God’s Word: Proverbs 23:23, read by Dr. Matthew Dudreck, associate professor of New Testament. Then Dr. Stephen Nichols delivered the convocation address, “We Buy the Truth.”
Our president exhorted the college community to recognize the truth as a precious commodity that we must cling to as we pursue knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. Since all truth is God’s truth, this pursuit will lead us to the way, the truth, and the life, Jesus Christ (John 14:6).
“Here at RBC, we explore God’s Word and God’s world, and we find truth in both,” said Dr. Nichols. “This is our sacred calling.”
After enjoying special music from our very own Reformation Chorale, Dr. Nichols called upon the RBC faculty to publicly recite their vows and affirm the statement of faith, followed by the students’ affirmation of their standards of faith and conduct. Then, after a prayer of dedication for the new academic year from Dr. Keith Mathison, professor of systematic theology, we sang a closing hymn and received a benediction from Dr. Tweeddale.
We give thanks to God for this new academic year, and we are grateful to everyone who has prayed for and supported RBC over the years. Your generous support is an investment in our students and in RBC’s efforts to equip them with the knowledge of God and His holiness. Thank you for your commitment to serving the next generation of articulate Christians who will stand with a firm conviction on God’s Word and live out their faith in every vocation and calling.