RBC Announces New Academic Dean: Rev. John Tweeddale
Posted On August 18, 2016
By God’s gracious provision, Reformation Bible College has experienced year after year of steady growth. As a result, our staffing needs have grown as well. We are grateful for all the faculty and staff who have gathered here in Sanford, Fla., to serve our students. As we prepare for the future, we are seeking out like-minded individuals to join us in our mission—to help students know God. With that in mind, we are pleased to announce that Rev. John Tweeddale has recently joined us as academic dean and professor of theology. Before this new role, Rev. Tweeddale served Ligonier Ministries as senior associate editor of Tabletalk magazine and as an adjunct professor at RBC.
Rev. Tweeddale brings with him tremendous wisdom and experience. He previously served as senior pastor of First Reformed Presbyterian Church (PCA) in Pittsburgh for five and a half years and also taught courses in church history and systematic theology as an adjunct professor at Reformed Presbyterian Theological Seminary in Pittsburgh. In his new role, Rev. Tweeddale will be teaching classes, shepherding the faculty, and assisting the president in overseeing the academic operations of RBC.
He holds a master of divinity from Reformed Theological Seminary in Jackson, Miss., and a bachelor’s degree from William Carey University in Hattiesburg, Miss. Rev. Tweeddale is finishing doctoral work at the University of Edinburgh in Scotland. He is scheduled to defend his dissertation, titled “A Sure Foundation: Christology, Covenant Theology, and Hermeneutics in John Owen’s Discourses on Hebrews,” later this fall. With Dr. Derek W.H. Thomas, he is coauthor of The Essential Commentaries for a Preacher’s Library and coeditor of the forthcoming John Calvin: For a New Reformation. He has contributed chapters to The Beauty and Glory of Christian Living and The Ashgate Research Companion to John Owen’s Theology, and served as an assistant editor of the Reformation Study Bible. He is married to Angela, and they have three children.
Upon the occasion of this announcement, Dr. Stephen J. Nichols, president of RBC and chief academic officer at Ligonier, said, “Rev. Tweeddale brings the perfect combination of traits to this new role. He has significant pastoral experience, he has stellar academic credentials, and he is a favorite among our students in the classroom. It is essential that we have the right people in place in these early and formative years of RBC. We anticipate many good things to come, God willing, in the decades ahead.”
We’re grateful to God for His provision in sending Rev. Tweeddale to serve with us. By His grace, we will be faithful with the ministry that He has entrusted to us, and we will continue to proclaim His truth to the world as we educate and equip the next generation.